Designing for Small Spaces: Tips to Make Your Home Feel Spacious


Interior Design Ideas to Make Your Small Home Look Bigger

When designing your home, it’s important that you do it in style with convenience in mind. However, this can prove to be difficult if you have a smaller area to design, making it seem like a normal number of furnishings and accents are cluttered. While it’s tricky, it is possible to make a small room look bigger with the right decorations and furniture—all the while making everything look terrific.

To maximize space and ensure your home looks fantastic, we’ve gathered the best tips from interior design websites as seen below:

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1. Install multi-purpose furnishings

If you want to have a chic home, make sure you install furnishings that have multiple purposes. For example, you can get a sofa with hidden drawers or storage to keep valuable things and lessen the room’s clutter. There are also numerous creative furnitures that function as other things like a sofa you can pull out to be a bed or a dining table you can tuck away to be a coffee table.

It’s up to you on which ones you need to have in your home since multi-functional furnishings are in trend. This makes it easy to find what you Khmer architecture property needs because there’s plenty to choose from.

2. Place a few lamps in key-specific areas

A well-lit home is necessary to make a room look bigger than it is. Unfortunately, not all homes have natural light so if this is the case, you need to place a few lamps in key-specific areas of the room. Keep in mind though that you cannot go overboard with the lamps since that might overwhelm the interior design and make the room look chaotic. 

3. Add mirrors in the room

One of the tricks of the trade is installing mirrors in small homes to make the area look bigger. Whether you want to place a full-length mirror that takes up a full wall or a relatively large one on the wall, it’s guaranteed to help make the room seem large. Additionally, adding a mirror can make the area brighter once it reflects artificial or natural light.

4. Use light hues for the room

Considering that you want to emphasize depth and the perception of a room being larger than it is, you need to use natural and light colors. This goes from the walls to the floors and even the accents of the room. Using lighter colors also make the room look brighter and you can highlight key decorations better if they’re in contrast with the rest. For example, if the palette of your living room is mostly soft white, emphasizing a navy blue couch works.

5. Buy large furnishings

While it might seem counterintuitive, buying a few large furnishings and placing it in a small area proves to make the room seem bigger than it is. This is more effective if the room is kept clean and without clutter, to further emphasize the illusion of depth. For example, instead of getting numerous paintings to decorate the walls, you can get one large artwork. This will be the focal point of the room and it will be easy on the eyes and the rest of the room’s design.

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