Cambodian Property Investor – The 3rd Issue

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Screen Shot 2017-02-27 at 11.47.24 AMAs Cambodia continues its rapid development, we are often engaged to take over the completion and ongoing management of commercial and residential buildings. It’s a welcome challenge and one we have carved a strong reputation in. Through these opportunities, we are constantly reminded of the lack of planning and understanding of the ongoing needs of building and tenant maintenance.

This issue is our attempt to address this knowledge imbalance. Our Country Manager, Grant Fitzgerald gives us his first-hand experience of the current property management market, Head of Commercial, Nigel Doughan explains the importance of property management in Commercial Buildings and its impact on a building’s grading. We also touch on the concept of Life Cycle Costing and it’s ability to save money in the short and long term.

It’s not all Property Management, though, as our Marketing Manager, Jillian Oco takes us through a photographic piece detailing the favourite eating establishments of our staff. Residential Agent, Vattanak Tim gives us the lowdown on the Khmer New Year Holiday.

We’ve also got articles on Valuation, a breakdown of Cambodian real estate fees, and a myriad of great properties for sale and rent in Siem Reap and Phnom Penh.

Sit back, relax and be informed about the Cambodian real estate property market and the subtle science that is Property Management.

Read the online version HERE.

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